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Saturday, 13 July 2013

Cosplayer of the Month: July

It's Cosplayer of the Month time again and this month is someone I've had set for this for a long time.  It's just been deciding the right month in which to pick this lady and I think this is the one.

This months Cosplayer hails from Boston, Massachusetts, has been in the cosplay/costuming world since 2011 and is the "Raptor Queen".  Yes that's right it is the beautiful and extremely talented Nicole Marie Jean, or as most people probably know her; Lady Bane.

Usually I like to write something a bit more detailed or a bit about previous cosplays, however I can't do that this month.  You see Nicole Marie Jean is a cosplayer whose sheer number of cosplays and the amazing and brilliant work that goes into making each of these wonderful costumes, genuinely leaves me speechless and in awe.  There are no words I can string together to emphasize just how great this lady's work is, all I can say is check out the handful of pics I've put below and see for yourselves.

Once you've done that, do the usual and head over to her Facebook and Twitter and go say hello. Links are provided below the pictures.

Lady Bane

Poison Ivy

Sonic the Hedgehog

Lady Thor

The Links

All images sourced from her Facebook page and rights belong to Nicole Marie Jean

Friday, 12 July 2013

What I want to see in Grand Theft Auto V

With the Grand Theft Auto V release date not far around the corner I have recently been replaying number four to get back into the swing of things.  Whilst playing I have noticed there are a few minor things that I'm hoping will be fixed/removed in GTA V.  There are probably a whole tonne of things that I could pick apart about the game because in all honesty it's pretty pants when you get down to it.  Obviously the game was never going to be perfect or match San Andreas because this it was very much a return to the days of GTA 3.  The game world is back in Liberty City, it's the first game on the then new console and Rockstar didn't quite know the full extent of the system and how to work with it.  GTA 3 was an awesome game but as the PS2's life cycle went on Rockstar figured out the full potential of the console and thus after Vice City, San Andreas was born and was subsequently huge in comparison.

I'm rambling now and should get back to point with the post, so without further ado here are 3 things that I would like to see fixed or removed in Grand Theft Auto V.

#1 - Jumping

Now I'm not saying jumping should be removed but the jumping in GTA IV was so slow,  vaulting an object seemed to take ages and hampered some chase sequences in my opinion.  I'm not saying that I want to see Trevor, Michael and Franklin free-running around the place because that would be ridiculous.  All I want to see is a more fluid jumping/vaulting animation to make chase sequences flow a bit more.

#2 - Taxi's

Next up is Taxi's.  When I first played GTA IV I thought the ability to hail a cab and take a ride anywhere was a good idea, I have however since changed my mind.  I understand why a fast travel option was put in the game and I'm not going to lie I use it alot, not just in GTA but in games like Skyrim.  My reason for not liking it is that it takes away from all the details and little bits that you miss when you fast travel.  It's a be lazy option and I'm just as guilty for using it but with the sheer size and scope of the detail in the GTA V world, we could do without it.  As an example in Vice City I knew all the roads, where they went and the quickest routes to almost anything whereas in number IV I know nothing due to being lazy and abusing the Taxi's.

#3 - Vehicle Spawning

This next one is the bane of my Grand Theft Auto life and has plagued me ever since the days of Grand Theft Auto 3 and even though I'd love to see it fixed I have a feeling that it will haunt me forever.  Basically it's when you are driving along and there is nothing in-front of you, you have a quick check behind and suddenly a huge dump-truck, a police car or even a massive queue of traffic has spawned in-front of you.  I don't think I can recall a single thing about a game that has irritated and enraged me more than this over the course of my gaming years.  I'm not even sure if this can be fixed in the confines of how the game engine/spawn system works but I surely hope it can be.  I know some people will be thinking; "don't look behind you and the problem is fixed".  This however is easier said than done because during a chase I will look behind me to see where people are and how close they are, and this is something I have done ever since I started playing racing games.  It serves me well in racing games but in Grand Theft Auto is screws me so badly that I need soothing ointment and a weeks bed-rest.

If Rockstar can change/fix one thing then I hope it's the vehicle spawns because as much as I'd like to see the others changed I could live with them if it meant that everytime I checked my rear-view mirror I wasn't greeted by a massive car pile-up or my head through the windscreen when I look back in-front.

Friday, 21 June 2013

The future for Microsoft

It's been a busy past few weeks for the folks over there at Microsoft, what with E3 conference, the huge backlash, getting wiped all over the floor by Sony and big U-turn on their used game and online check-in policies.

There has been lots of talk on the interwebs about the whole situation but I'm not going to go into detail because I'll be here forever and I've seen that a few people have changed their minds about what console they are going to pre-order now. I personally am still pre-ordering the PlayStation 4 because I've lost trust in Microsoft and a company that were so actively looking to shaft consumers to begin with.  I understand that money is needed to survive when you release a product but there is a difference between making money and rinsing consumers for every possible penny.  To me it seems that Microsoft only care about the money and not what the gamers want; a games console.

I've also seen some people defending the used game policy of Xbox One by comparing it to Steam, and the fact that you can't trade-in the games you purchase off there.  I don't think you can compare the two because Steam is PC gaming and downloads only.  If you download a digital version of a game off of Steam with the expectation that you can trade it in then you sir are a moron.  Needless to say I'm getting off point and must get back to the original reason of this post.

All this talk and the U-turn has left me wondering what the future holds for Microsoft, not so much the next few years but beyond that and the time after Xbox One.

I don't see Microsoft giving up the potential money making opportunities of putting the used game market out of business.  I can see that something similar will return in the distant future and have a very strong gut feeling that the next console they work on will be download only (like Steam).  It is the only sure fire way to get rid of trade-ins altogether in one big swoop and I feel that this will happen at some point.  Whether or not the generation after the Xbox One and PS4 will be consoles as we know them now is something I'm unsure of, but I am confident that the next few years at Microsoft's research/development team will be based primarily on new ways to bypass the used game market and other ways to make more money without seeming like a complete bunch of money hungry arseholes.

I know that this is very, very early days to be talking about things like this when the Xbox One isn't even out yet but it's something that has been rumbling around in my head for the past few days and I felt that I needed to share it.  Let me know what you think either in the comments below or via the Twitter button in the top right.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Cosplayer of the Month: June

So here we are again, another month has past so it's high time for another Cosplayer of the Month.  This month however is a kind of special one, because this month also marks my birthday and another "Level Up" (this sounds somewhat cooler than a year older).

So without further ado lets get on with the post.  I have been following this months choice for quite awhile on twitter and have admired her work from her Deadpool cosplay to others of Lara Croft, Skyrim and Catwoman.  Of course she has done many more cosplays and you should definitely check them out because they are all of the same amazing quality.

So I'm sure you are probably wondering who it is and if you have come here via Twitter than you should already know.  If you don't know then let's see if you can figure it out. She is a Canadian cosplayer originating from Lindsay, Ontario.  She has just over 1,700 followers on Twitter and over 3,500 likes on her Facebook page. She's also supports 'Cosplay for a Cause' which you should all check out also and I will link them in with the usual links at the end of the post.

Have you got it yet? No, well it is of course the one and only Zombie Bit Me!!

Zombie Bit Me, or Shantel to use her real name is an amazing cosplayer who consistently makes brilliant outfits, talks to her fans and has a general aura of kick-ass about her.  If you don't know her or are not following her already then shame on you! Now go and sit in the corner with a bag on your head.  In all seriousness you should all go and check her work out, say hello and buy a print or two from her store. Because every time you buy, you are personally help fund the next amazing costume.

As usual links to Twitter, Facebook and her store are at the bottom of the post and in the meantime check out some of her work below.





The Links

Cosplay for a Cure Facebook -

I would link her website but it doesn't seem to be working at the moment, but that might just be for me.

All pictures sourced from her Facebook page and rights belong to Zombie Bit Me

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Xbox One Reveal: Thoughts

Today saw the the new Xbox revealed to the world after months of speculation, "leaked" information and shady pictures.  We now know what it looks like (unlike the PlayStation 4, aye Sony), a general release time (later this year), a look at some of the features of the console and the hardware specifications.

Firstly I would like to make something very clear; I don't fully understand all the Hardware Specification mumbo-jumbo. I know how to use a computer and I have a basic level knowledge of what everything means in a computer. HOWEVER when it comes to gaming consoles I couldn't care less if you had tiny little miniaturized people running the thing or hardware in your console that so powerful it could break a hole in the time-space continuum. All I care about is these simple things:

  • Does it look better
  • Are the loading screens either gone or quicker
  • Is there room for bigger and better games in general.
  • Is there enough space for my game saves, demos and updates.
That is more or less all I care about when it comes to a new console, and all your technical words, processors and RAM means jackshit to me.  Obviously I'm drifting off topic so I will get back on track and say that all the video of games that I saw on the reveal looked awesome and loads better than the current gen, minus the EA section where people looked a little rubbery to me.

As we are on the games section there were a few games shown at the reveal; Call of Duty Ghosts, Forza 5, the usual yearly EA suspects of FIFA, NFL etc, and new game Quantum Break to name all the games shown.  Seriously for a big huge hyped reveal that had 4 games if you include the EA collection as one.

So there was a fair amount of the time of the reveal spent on explaining how Xbox One can work with your TV, how it is a complete entertainment unit and not just a games console. How you can talk to it and it recognizes your face and voice thanks to the new Kinect. Talking about how you will have a relationship with your Xbox, cue all the loons and the episode of the talk show: "My partner left me to marry his Xbox".
There was a lot of chat about the new partnerships with the NFL and how your 
be totally up to date, by the minute, with your fantasy teams across multiple sports (all American of course).

Essentially there were just talking bollocks for most of it, telling you that your games console is no longer a games console and is so much more now.  It's a TV box, it's a Blu-ray and DVD player, it's a music player, it can browse the internet and it can cook Bacon faster than a grilling machine. OK I made that last bit up.
I really couldn't give a flying monkeys left nut if it has all those features because I like most people have a computer that can do all those things. Admittedly having Netflix or BBC iPlayer on their is handy but it's not the end of the world or a selling point to me. Because do you know what I really want??


I want something to play games on that maybe has some cool features within the gaming section. I want awesome games that will whittle away the hours of my exceedingly boring and wasted life.  I want to play games with a controller, the way it's always been and not by doing movements or talking to the big huge box sat on my living room unit.  I want something that can play games of amazing quality and that is what sells a new console to me.

I surely can't be the only one out there who feels this way?

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Doctor Who: Series 7 Finale Thoughts

If any of you know me well enough then you will already know that I am a massive Doctor Who fan, so much so that I would consider myself a 'Whovian'.  I will sit there some evenings reading through the Facebook comments getting angry at how some of the people who comment, as "fans", clearly have no clue what they are talking about.  This angers me and just shows to those of you do not know me the level of love I have for The Doctor and his adventures.  Anyway on with the blog.

Series 7 has been split into two parts; the first half saying goodbye to Rory and Amy and the second half being the introduction of Clara and the mystery surrounding this 'impossible girl'.  On a personal note I believe that Jenna-Louise Coleman has been a brilliant companion to the Doctor.  She is smart, funny, feisty and more than a match for The Doctor which is what he needs in one of his companions.  She has died twice  in two different periods of history and is back again for a third run at it and this being the mystery of how a seemingly normal human girl can be around in different periods of time and space.  For a while now I've had the thought train that she was a ploy set up by the Great Intelligence to lure the Doctor to Trenzalore and his foretold death.  This however has been thrown out of the window by the trailer for the finale where Clara says:

"I'm Clara Oswald and I was born to save the Doctor."

Now I don't believe that she is a Timelord because in both previous incarnations she has not regenerated when dying, nor do I believe she is any relation to Captain Jack Harkness because if you've watched Torchwood you'll know that he has a daughter who does not have his regeneration from death ability.  If Clara was indeed born to save the Doctor then I now no longer believe that she is the doing of the Great Intelligence, but instead the creation of someone/something that we do not yet know.  Obviously this whole story has been created by the disturb, mental and downright brilliant mind of Steven Moffat so the likelihood of anyone guessing correctly is next to none.  I will say that this story-line and the enigma behind it has captured me so much more than any of the past curiosity filled story-lines.

Now we come to The Doctor, his name and his downfall at Trenzalore.  There is a wildfire of debate raging around the internet regarding the revealing of his name and that it would ruin everything that Doctor Who is.  I feel that revealing his name would make the title of the show obsolete, and that the name will never live up to the expectations of the fans.  It will certainly turn away some fans with some maybe even going so far as to boycotting the show as long as Moffat is in charge.  On the other hand is probably the longest running mystery in Television and fills me with a level of curiosity that make a considerable part of me want to know the answer.  I hope that if Moffat is definitely going to reveal the name that it won't be something completely boring and that maybe it is something that will shock beyond a level we have yet to feel.

Obviously all the theories, thoughts and discussions will be redundant in two weeks time when the 2nd part of the finale has aired and we then know the answers to all the things we have been thinking about and debating for the past few months.  But remember this is Steven Moffat and I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't answer one important piece of the puzzle and teased us with more questions.

Check out the prequel and the trailers for the upcoming finale at: BBC Doctor Who Homepage

And on a final note when are Strax, Vastra and Jenny going to get their own show?

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Cosplayer of the Month: May

So it's a new month which means that I have to announce a new Cosplayer of the Month.  There have been quite a few cosplayers on my list this month and I have gradually whittled it down to one.  So without further ado May's cosplayer of the month is (drum roll please);

Casey Anne
*whoop whoop* *cheers and applause* 

Casey Anne is a cosplayer from either Boston or New England, Facebook tells me New England while Twitter says the former.  I don't think I can describe her in any better way than her own Facebook biography states:

"Casey Anne is a Zelda obsessed gamer and costumer who loves Batman, dogs, Disney movies, and leopard print."

Casey has done a few awesome cosplays over the past year including Berserker Yuna (Final Fantasy X-2), Juliet Starling (Lollipop Chainsaw) and Morrigan (Darkstalkers).  I know a fair few cosplayers have done a Juliet but few have gone that extra mile and made sure that they have a Nick by their side.  I am personally looking forward to seeing future work from a cosplayer who I hope will reach a wider audience over the next year.

Below is a few pictures of her work so far and her Twitter and Facebook links below those.  Do go and give her a follow and show her the love.

Juliet Starling

Berserker Yuna


Photo's taken from Facebook, all images belong to Casey Anne.

Friday, 26 April 2013

Dead Island Riptide: First Impressions

Today has seen the release of Dead Island Riptide; the sequel to the surprise package Dead Island.  If you've never played or heard of Dead Island then it simplifies itself as a Zombie survival story set on a tropical island, where 4 survivors immune to the infection try to escape.  The game is a mixture of the XP and  quest whoring of games like Borderlands with the zombie fighting of games like Dead Rising/Left 4 Dead.

So is Riptide as good or even better than the first Dead Island?  If I'm being totally honest then no.

Riptide picks up exactly where Dead Island finished off, in the story and the game as a whole.  The fighting system is exactly the same and just as clunky, the character animations and voice acting are just as wooden and unsynchronised as before.  The game still suffers from bugs and glitches much as the last game, and only time will tell as to if there are more or less.

After playing with the game for about 2 hours I've realised that this is not a sequel in the true form, instead this essentially Dead Island re-branded and repackaged in a new city with a few new characters.  Yeah there are a few new things; for example the safe camp defence quests, the ability to drive a boat (it's a car on water with a turbo button), and new camp based missions for your camp members.

This game is not going to be for you if you expected a new Dead Island with a massive overhaul with everything having been retuned and made amazing.  If you are looking for a game to play with your friends for a bit of Zombie killing and a laugh at how bad the game is, much like you probably did before, then pick this up.

I will leave you with one last thing; don't buy this game as a single player game because it's boring and I'd honestly recommend that you wait until a price drop until you pick it up.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Cosplayer of the Month: April

In an attempt to make sure I post somewhat more regularly on this post I'm working this week on some new recurring blog posts for the site. My first idea was this post: Cosplayer of the Month.  So as you probably already know this months (and my first ever) cosplayer of the month is the beautiful and amazing Destiny Nickelsen.

If you don't know of Destiny Nickelsen she is an american cosplayer hailing out of the state of Georgia.  She has been cosplaying for a couple of years now and has cosplayed as an array of characters including; Black Cat, Juliet Starling, Supergirl, Mario, Bulma and more recently Injustice Harley Quinn among others.

In her time cosplaying she has won awards for Best Craftsmanship (Expert) at the Amazing Arizona Comic Con 2013 & Miss Southern Cospitality 2013.

Not only does she make some great costumes, she's also a genuinely lovely person and more importantly finds time to interact with her many fans on twitter.  She currently has just over 2,000 followers on twitter and over 11,000 likes on her Facebook page.  Although this is quite a sizeable amount I genuinely believe that she should have alot more than this so I will link her webpages below and do go and hit those Like & Follow buttons.

I will say that the main reason I have chose Miss Nickelsen is because Injustice: Gods Among Us is out now and I've yet to see a better Injustice based cosplay than hers.  So here are some pictures of a few of her awesome cosplays and don't forget to check her pages out at the bottom of the page.

Black Cat

Harley Quinn (Injustice)


Juliet Starling

Destiny's Twitter:

Destiny's Store:

Thursday, 11 April 2013

The Tomb Raider Problem

Recently I purchased the new Tomb Raider game having heard many good things about the game via reviews and word of mouth.  I initially gave it a few days before starting the single player campaign so that I could fully commit to it without being distracted by things I had to do on other games or to a lesser extent, my life.

Once started though I found the campaign extremely difficult thing to stop player, a testament to this being the first evening where it took me after 5 hours of playing to finally turn it off to get sleep.  The game looks amazing, the story draws you in and makes you want to keep playing to find out how Lara actually gets off the island, and the gameplay is as good as Tomb Raider has ever been.  I would wholly recommend this game to anyone who loved the original Tomb Raider games, and also to anyone who loves a good adventure game.  As with all good games it has it's downsides; the overall story is quite short considering the pure brilliance of the story and the other one being collectibles.  This however is a personal preference because I much prefer to play a storyline rather than spend my free time looking for obscure pointless things that are hidden around the world.  You can always extend the story playing time by hunting the collectibles during the story but I get to distracted by my quest/goal to easily.

The single player is brilliant however I have reached a major problem with the game; the as titled 'Tomb Raider Problem'.

The problem is the second half of the game; the multiplayer.  I can only point blame to the huge successes of games like Call of Duty and Halo that have made the gaming industry think that almost every game has to have online multiplayer.  It's my own personal opinion, and from what I've read from general consensus, that the multiplayer is shockingly terrible and a pointless addition to the game.  To me Tomb Raider has always been a single player game and not a game where I thought the ability to play against each other is what the game was missing.

Even though the online multiplayer has put a massive dent in the game, it has shifted over 3 million copies since release which is a reasonably solid display.  Square Enix however have seen this as a failure compared that their financial expectations for the game.  I get the feeling that if Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics had got rid of the multiplayer and instead concentrated on the single player then they could have sold so many more copies of the game.  If they had invested all that time on extending the single player campaign, enriching the experience even more then this new revamp of the series would have been a phenomenal success.

The issue is that everything has to have multiplayer nowadays and too many games companies can't just plan for a totally single player game.  The companies are too focused on trying to achieve sales of Call of Duty's magnitude to not realise that there is still a big market for good, solid single player games.  You only have to look at games like Skyrim, Fallout 3 and the Arkham series of Batman games to show you that totally single player games still have a place in the gaming world.

I still hold a considerable amount of hope that the generalised collection of games companies will realise that online multiplayer isn't required in every single game, and that they lower their expectations and stop striving for sales figures that are ridiculously high.  But maybe that is a fools hope.

Saturday, 23 March 2013


Sometimes in life there are people, or groups, who really deserve more recognition and public awareness of their existence then they currently have. One such group who fit this bill are TheGamesCast.

If you don't already know of them TheGamesCast are three guys; Paul, Duncan & Phil.  These guys are what might more commonly be referred to as 'old-school gamers'.  They've seen alot of what's gone on in the gaming world over the past years, played alot of different consoles and seen the progression of gaming from the early days of the Spectrum ZX81 right up to the current Gen of Xbox360 and the like.  So what I'm basically trying to say is that they know their shit when it comes to gaming.

These guys host a 60 minute live weekly podcast where they discuss the news and hottest topics of the gaming world for the current week, whilst trying to inject a more mature take on the gaming world and to have a good old laugh and fun at the same time.  There is also the during the show Chatroom where you can discuss the points being raised with other listeners and sometimes things mentioned in the chatroom will make it into the show.

Now I'll hold my hands up and admit that I've only listened to one show and that was last night. However from listening to that one show I was able to realise that these guys are funny, that I'll be listening to alot more shows in the future and that their podcast is perfect for gamers like me.  Gamers who play mostly for fun, who don't spend hours on end scouring the gaming websites for news and have a generally more mature view of life than the spotty 16 year olds whose main interest is tea-bagging and having top kills.

The weekly podcast is broadcast every Friday night at 9pm and I do strongly urge you to have a listen. You can find all the relevant information and a bit more information on the guys on their website, and do make sure to go give them a follow on twitter too (links below).

Thursday, 21 February 2013

The PS4 has been revealed!

So the new PlayStation 4 has been revealed, to an extent anyway. While we now now what the new features added into this new console will be and an idea of what the games will look like we still are none the wiser as to what the console itself will look like.

So the emphasis on this new next gen console would be appear to be on the social aspect of gaming and instant gaming.  New features include the ability to instantly share screenshots or video of games you are currently playing by the use of the 'Share' button on the new controller.  You are also able to watch what your friends are playing, live, and to message you friends with helpful tips of how to get through tricky parts of the game they may be stuck on.  This isn't all though, you see with the PS4 you can now remotely control your friends game from your console and do those tricky parts that they just can't seem to do.  The console and network itself is being made to incorporate social network sites like Facebook to make sharing your progress or game stats that much quicker and easier.

Also revealed was the ability to use the PlayStation Vita as a second screen to play your PS4 games on (much like the Wii U and what Sony tried to do with the PS3/PSP).  It looks good and providing it works with the majority if not all games then I can see this feature having a knock on effect on the sales of the Vita.

There are cool features like the "suspend mode" which allows you to turn off and then turn on the console and pick up exactly where you left off, without having to reload the game.  Gaikai cloud system that allows you to play a chunk of any game that catches your eye on the store. And there is also the ability to play games while their are being downloaded without the need to wait for the download to be finished to play.

Alot more was revealed but overall I am very excited for the new PlayStation and for all the features that come with it.  The social aspects of the console particularly impressed me and I'm hopeful that they will all work as they have been shown to.  My eyes are currently fixed on Microsoft and the reveal of the next Xbox because as it stands at the moment, if they don't pull something amazing out of the bag I can see alot of people going back/converting to the PlayStation 4 when it's released.

Check out the official PlayStation UK blog post (linked below) about the PlayStation Meeting 2013 for more information and for the link to re-watch the meeting if you missed it.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Real Actors Read...

YouTube is much like a giant Library; you can go in almost every day but even after a year or two there are still things that you haven't seen.

Just recently I was browsing around and stumbled across a channel and videos entitled 'Real actors read Yelp reviews'.  The premise is that they get professional actors to read out real reviews posted on Yelp, with the idea of trying to see the emotion of the person who wrote the review.  The idea behind this series is a simple one but the reviews are made even funnier when you add emotion to them.

If Yelp reviews wasn't enough for you they also have actors reading out Missed Connection pages & posts from Christian Forums.  This is a channel that I personally will be keeping a close eye on for more of these well made and beautifully funny videos.

Check out Gotta Kid To Feed Productions YouTube channel here: 
and check out the very first video below featuring Chris Kipiniak 

My Name is Stuart and I am addicted to X Com.

This is a confession. I have been slowly losing my life to this addiction and it has to stop. I have been hurting sentient life from other planets and dimensions for my own filthy addiction and I haven’t cared how I got my fix.

Look at this shit
I had better start with the beginning. A long time ago, all the cool kids were into turn based combat, it was the in-thing. I wanted to fit in so I tried Final Fantasy X on my Playstation 2 but it was a bad trip. The story was awful and all the characters looked like they had been designed by someone experiencing both a split personality and massive head trauma. The turn based combat itself was tedious, watching the characters repeat the same inane actions over and over for ages until the battle was won. My only reward? Pushing the annoying bastards forward to the next mind numbingly boring battle to while away the hours of my life. This was not for me!

I told my friends that I didn’t want to be cool, if this was what it took. I stuck to real time combat and I stayed healthy. Fortunately this fad didn’t last long and soon turn based combat was relegated to dingy cellars and attics where sad, hollow beings spend hours with calculators working out which stats to increase on their spiky haired personalities which have more life than their users. That was the end of it, or so I thought.

Fast forward more than a decade and turn based combat has come back in a new guise. I knew it was bad news, but a friend talked to me about it. He said turn based combat had changed. It wasn’t about stupid looking gits whining about to esoteric situation, this time, it was about fighting off an alien invasion with big burly men and big burly women. The game was getting high score reviews everywhere you looked and once again, my curiosity was peaked. The demo appeared on the Xbox live market place and I gave in, deciding that I would be just as bored as I had been before.

I couldn’t have been more wrong

Before I knew it, I was selecting a squad to fight off an alien menace, I was picking their weapons and skill sets, their armour and sending them out into battle, choosing optimal routes of attack, sending my snipers to higher ground so they have an advantage, making sure I don’t get out flanked. I was in heaven.  

You see, I was always a huge fan of Real Time Strategy games. While they had advanced, my laptop, the one I am typing this on, was a hybrid engine of steam power and hamsters on treadmills. 

Unfortunately steam and hamster power doesn’t work together very well and 8 steamed alive hamsters later, my computer can barely run basic programs at the same time, let alone a high end Real time strategy game.

There had been attempts to make Real Time Strategy games on the console market, but sadly, the controller is not suited to this, and made every battle an exercise in frustration and defeat. Xcom solves this problem by using a mixture of strategy and turn based action which is satisfying almost to the point that it would be illegal to play it in public and especially not in front of children.

When the mission is over, you return to your base which isn’t just a mission hub, it’s also a vital part of the game, making sure you keep funds coming in from countries in the world so you don’t run out of money, keeping aircraft ready in those countries if a UFO is spotted above them, making sure the base has enough power, workshops, scientists and engineers. There is a whole litany of things you can build in the base, all there to provide support for your team and hell for the invading aliens.

You raise your team members from frail humans with normal machine guns to the point where they are armoured titans, striding across the battlefields as a tightly knit team. Snipers dealing with long range enemies, assault troops being the grunts, heavy weapons soldiers to take on the tougher opponents, support troops with med kits and tasers to capture aliens. I was even giving them stupid nicknames. Mr. Cuddlebums was the name of my heavy weapons expert from the first level of the game and I have still kept him alive since then and in that, is where my real shame comes from.

You see, in Xcom, troops get stronger with each mission, develop their own specialties and tactics and soon become your primary soldiers. Unfortunately, when your soldier dies, they are dead forever. All that work, all that experience can be ruined by one berserker running up to him and tearing out his anus through their oesophagus.

Farewell Soldiers. You're killing aliens in heaven now
I could not handle that. I needed my favourite troops to stay alive. I didn’t want their names on the memorial wall  So I saved. I saved every time I thought my troops were going to be in danger. I saved before I started a mission and I saved after it. I reloaded so often if one of my team were killed, and the first thing that came to my head was “NOPE!”.

Xcom had made me something I’m not, a Save Spammer. Cowardly, unwilling to take defeat because I knew that one step back meant eight steps forward for the alien menace. I don’t need to make a game that is already pretty bloody difficult any harder.

So this is my confession, I spend hours on Xcom but do I really accomplish anything?

You bet your arse I do! DIE ALIENS DIE!

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Life After Questing: Day 453

It's day 453 of my life in Skyrim and questing is a side note, a thing I do when I get bored or nostalgic about 'the good old days'.  Today I am in Whiterun (I swear I never leave this town), and I am having an easy day. I'm going to help the locals where I can and see what there is in a town that, if I'm honest, I've only ever run through on quests.

It's a fairly grime day in Whiterun with rain clouds overhead so there is only one thing for it; a trip to the Bannered Mare for a spot of breakfast.  As I'm not going to be doing much today I start with something light and a nice piece of Bread and a Sweetroll.  After an unfruitful attempt at seeing if Hulda has any gossip, I decided to mingle with the drunks who are always in here day and night.  There are all pretty boring so I figure that I'll explore the markets outside and what they have to sell before I get in trouble for punching Mikael out cold.

After clearing the gold out of two of the vendors I come to Carlotta Valentia who has something for sale that I have never found in Skyrim before: Milk.  For over a year now my diet has consisted of just alcohol and it's a surprise that I can walk straight let alone fight a Dragon and win.  Now however I have something normal to drink and for some strange reason this makes me happy.

On my way to Dragonsreach I pass Heimskr and wonder to myself how the Thalmor haven't killed him yet, or at least a citizen of Whiterun for his generally annoying never-ending rants.  After getting moaned at by the old crow of a cleaner upon entering and raiding the kitchen of all the good food I realise that there is nothing else here that I've not already seen and head out to explore the rest of the town in the hope of something interesting.

The trip to the Dungeon leads to looking at empty cells (clearly no crime happening at the moment), so I head back to the market, past Belethor's General Goods store and I stop at a house.  This is a special house for it is the house of my ex-wife Ysolda.  I start to feel my love for her return which is quickly overtaken with an overwhelming sense of guilt.  I can't bring myself to enter the house even though I still carry the key around with me.  You see I didn't break off the marriage, but in a moment of rage and stupidity I took her life.  Now I see that it was a terrible thing to do and wish I could go back and change it but I can't (and there is only so much necromancy can do).

Filled with regret and sadness I decide that there is only one thing left to do with the rest of my day; return to the Bannered Mare, buy loads of alcohol and get smashed at home with my companion Gregor.

For a day that was meant to be a good easy one, it turned out to be a pretty crappy one.  The only way it could get worse is if Gregor takes advantage of me while drunk.  But I suppose if it's been this long since she died then I shouldn't complain about a little action wherever it comes from.

Why you should be watching Game of Thrones

If you don’t like Game of Thrones, you are worse than Hitler.

Oh my. I’m really putting my cards on the table where I stand on this subject aren’t I? I suppose I’d better back this rather grand claim up without too much hyperbole.

If you haven’t heard of Game of Thrones, it is a fantasy series set primarily in the Kingdom of Westeros. There are noble families dotted around the kingdom which will get into a bit of a kerfuffle because this is a drama and without conflict there is no drama. There are a number of families dotted around but there three particularly important families.

You have the noble Stark family who guard the north from the creatures beyond the wall, except that they don’t because nothing nefarious has been seen for hundreds of years. The Baratheons who are the current royal family with Robert Baratheon on the Iron throne, except he’s not a very good king because he’s mostly pissed all the time and doesn’t like the reality of ruling. Then we have the Lannisters who are the richest family and whom lust for power and are generally the “bad guys”.

Oh I almost forgot, there are two remaining Targaryans, an exiled family who were almost wiped out in a bloody revolution to take the throne from them.

Except things aren’t clear cut in this universe, there is no Lord of the rings moment with Aragorn facing down Sauron’s minions in an epic battle of good versus evil. There are bad people and there are good people but no evil force is coming to wipe them out just because it is an evil force. People fight for power because they are greedy for it, or because they believe it is their right, or because they need the power to protect their loved ones from those who would do them harm.

This is a fantasy series for people who, like me, generally don’t like fantasy series. All the pomp and circumstance of the fantasy is replaced with gritty reality. There are no white wizards with eagles to save the day. Good people are killed, evil can win and nothing is certain.  That isn’t to say that fantasy doesn’t play a part in this series, in fact it is an background note of a song that is slowly growing to a tremendous roar. One phrase echoes through the series “Winter is coming”, meaning that years, maybe decades will go on through the winter and with the winter, things from the icy north come with them threatening everyone.

I’m being deliberately vague at this point because I absolutely love this series and I wish to engender you to watch it without any spoilers, because, and I believe I am quoting Nietzsche when I say “Shit goes down hard”.

When I first recommended this series to my friends, family, strangers online, in person and on the bus, my first one line description was “As if Lord of the Rings was directed by Quentin Tarantino, but better” and I think that still sticks. The drama is intense; the battle scenes are truly epic and brutal. There is fucking, swearing and brutal violence. Almost every line of dialogue is beautifully written and snappy, you’ll want to memorise them in vain hope that you can use them in every day talk with the people around you.

If you ever lived through that moment when everyone was telling you “You have to see The Wire! It’s the best cop show ever” well HBO has done it again and Game of Thrones is the new series you have to see. As time of writing, both the first two series are available on DVD and Bluray, it is not a purchase you will regret because you will end up watching them more than once, lending them to a friend to get them into it, just so they can understand the fervour that has possessed you about this television program.  

As a final note. I’m going to leave you with the first minutes of this fantastic series. Hopefully that will whet your appetite

Hey I’m Stuart Robinson.

This is my first guest contribution to The Social Gamer and with any luck it should be one of many. I have my own blog but it’s not as stylish as this, nor is it as refined. I tend to write whatever comes to my mind, whether that be fiction, non-fiction or a general ranty style of essay with liberal amounts of swearing and analogies involving sexually transmitted diseases from swine corpses. It can be found at 

I’m also on Twitter @Stueymon where I can be found either posting pictures of cats with captions on them, making observations about pop culture, movies or videogames, swearing or swinging vaguely at some lefty liberal political point and failing completely. Go read the blog and follow me or I’ll come into your house and stare lecherously at your house pets. 

The New Playstation

So if you haven't already heard the rumours  it would seem that by the end of this month we should all know either some concrete information on Sony's new PlayStation, or even know what it's going to look like.

It does however seem that there has been some leaked photos going around of what the new controller is going to be.  If you haven't seen it then the picture is below.

Personally I'm not a massive fan of this controller at the moment as it looks a big chunky in some aspects.  But what can we tell from the pictures so far?  Well you can see a socket for a jack at the bottom of the controller; is Sony going to do an Xbox and go for wired headsets as well as wireless?
There is also the screen on the front which some people are thinking is a touch screen built into the controller.  I don't see how beneficial that will be considering the size of it means you probably won't get a lot of display on the screen to touch.
You can also see in this picture a white box just above the screen.  Could this be a sensor for PlayStation move and this time round it's integrated into the controller to save having added peripherals??
Finally, the first picture I saw of this had the controller looking like a proper old-school wired controller.  Now I'm sure Sony wouldn't go back to them and this will no doubt be wireless but it does make me worry a little bit.

I'm not sold on this controller if it does in fact turn out to be the new PlayStation controller and leads me to have reservations about the console itself.  Either way Sony is still hurting from the hacking scandal and have lost a lot of consumer trust due to this, and this new console is their big chance to try and entice some of those consumers back to them and away from Xbox.

One thing is for sure; hopefully we should all know what is going on by the end of this month.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Revolution Is Here

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 DLC map pack 'Revolution' has finally hit the Xbox360 this week.  So with that in mind I have decided to post my views on it; this is not a review.

So I'll start with the multiplayer maps.  The new maps have added a bit of freshness to the online multiplayer because playing the same 4 maps seemingly all the time can be a bit tedious (Hijacked anyone?).  The 4 new maps have a variety of slightly different dynamics around the levels, with things such as the flooding of part of the Hydro map & the moving Cable Cars on Downhill.  These add the need to remember your surroundings or the game itself will kill you if you get in the way of them.

Spawning has always been a major issue in COD but without those issues, you still wouldn't be to far away from an enemy when you spawn.  The new maps have so many different ways to get around the maps and cut-ways making the journey shorter from one side to the other.  After a few games online you soon start to realise that 'Spawn Camping' seems to have gotten alot easier in these maps.

That aside these new multiplayer maps are good, they are not amazing, but they are good.  They inject the new settings that full time Call of Duty players have needed for a little while now and a new gun that is a great gun but time will tell if it is soon to become the only gun that most non-snipers use.

After a few more games online I will skip over the Turned mode.

So finally Die Rise.  Now I've heard a mixed bunch of replies to this ranging from; 'this is an awesome map' all the way to 'this is fucking shit'.  I personally think this map is very good and provides zombie players with a more close quarters environment that adds even more of a challenge to the game mode.  I've played a few games on there now and I am still managing to get lost in the buildings, opening doors to corridors that I've not been down yet.  I think the Easter Egg for this map is going to be hard but hopefully rewarding and not a 'thank fuck that's done' moment.

All in all I think the map pack is a pretty good one and like so many people I'm more interested in where this Zombie's story-line is going to take us over the coming months.

The personal highlight of the bundle for me is Die Rise, but when you play with a bunch of guys who scream like girls when a zombie turns up out of nowhere, it's always going to be fun.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

I Have A Dream

I have a dream readers: a dream of a land of Call of Duty where the spawning actually works, jumping is only possible when climbing obstacles, going prone is a thing of the past and finally a land where Sniper Rifles are no more.

Don't get me wrong I like Black Ops 2 and, for my time, have liked most the previous incarnations but every single COD title has infuriated me to the point of selling it because of some or normally all of the reasons listed above.

You see my growing hatred for Black Ops 2 stems from constantly being killed after spawning infront of the enemy team/players. From being constantly killed time after time by snipers and people quick scoping. Finally from dying after almost killing a player only for them to either jump in the air or dive to prone and then to kill me.

I am aware that these are probably considered as minor inconviences by some people but I know I am not the only person who is growing even more hatred for a game they want to love.

I know this won't happen but as I said it is just a dream and I just have to deal with it. If you feel the same then let me know via a comment, twitter or the other buttons located above and thanks for reading.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Life After Questing: Day 445

A few days have past since you were last here and in that time I have added a North wing to Lakeview manor and added a load of furniture inside the house.  However in that time I felt a little lost, I felt that silent call to quest and so today I've decided to finish a quest I've been meaning to for over a year now: collecting all the Dragon Priest masks.  You see the thing is you can't just give up questing for good, it's like a Nord giving up alcohol and we all know that will never happen.

So you join me at 8.30am on Fredas the 7th of Sun's Dusk and I'm am currently outside High Gate Ruins after receiving a tip off ages ago about there being a source of power here and maybe even a Dragon Priest. I am fully kitted out in my Ancient Falmer armour and attempting to fight off any enemies with a Dragonbone Greatsword; a two-handed weapon that I am not great at using.

As soon as I enter the ruins I find a dead Draugr on the floor which makes me wonder if I may have fleetingly visited these ruins before but as I continue through to the next room I meet a woman called Anska. She's just stood there doing nothing as if she has been waiting for me.  We talk and I discover that the ruins are the home of the tomb of the long dead priest Vokun (jackpot), and that she needs my help retrieving a scroll from within the tomb.  This essentially means that she's too chicken to go it alone and wants me to kill everything and get attacked by everything instead of her.  However I am a nice guy (only been to prison once and that was a stray fireball during a Dragon attack), so I offer to help.

We head into the next area and get attacked by three Draugr that I dispatch of quickly and we continue deeper into the ruin.  As we delve further it becomes apparent that I'm a little rusty at ruin exploration as I set off a trap and get a face full of wooden spikes but Anska actually killed a few Draugr.  However rusty my exploration is, my puzzle solving skills are as sharp as ever and after taking less than a minute to solve a lever puzzle we are on our way again and into the catacombs.

After dispatching a load of Draugr Deathlords, a generic Dragon Priest and saving Anska's ass countless times we arrived in Vokun's Throne Room.  Vokun attacked us but it would seem he is not as big as he was made out to be as he went down like a sack of potatoes.  In the chamber behind I found a word wall and learnt a new word for the Storm Call shout.  I explored the room some more for more loot before I realised that Anska was still following me, waiting for me to pick up the scroll she came here for off the table next to her and personally hand it to her.  Why are all the citizens of Skyrim so lazy and useless?

With that part of the quest completed in just a mere 10 hours I left Anska to her own devices inside the ruins and headed outside, where I had an Ale and some vegetable soup and headed off home, up the road my second build Winstad Manor.  Only to get there to find a Giant attacking my house, so had to kill him before I could properly rest for the night.

It's been a long day and quite a proportion of me doesn't actually miss questing after today.  I think I might just have to stick to being a normal man about the house kind of guy.  Today has made me realise one other thing actually: it's a good job that potions don't have a use by date.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Adrian Van Oyen

As I usually do, I was browsing YouTube this morning and stumbled across Adrian Van Oyen 
Now Adrian posts videos of himself doing some pretty crazy things in public, stuff that I would love to do but I don't have the confidence to do.  That's where this post is going because I'm not going to post a video of his crazy antics; if you want to see that check out his YouTube channel below.

However I will post his personal vlog entitled 'Confidence' from his other channel explaining how he has the confidence to do the things he does.  Confidence is something I have personally struggled with for a long time; it's half the reason why I am the way I am.  It's also the reason why I have yet to do online vlogs myself.  But I believe the message behind this video is a very good one and hopefully by sharing this video with you all, we can all be that little bit more confident.

Life After Questing: Day 442

Good day everyone, you join my story not at the beginning or even the middle but at the end of it's tale.  At a point where I am master of all the guilds, the civil war has ended (the imperials won), the Dawnguard were victorious and Alduin has been defeated.  A stage in my life where meaningful quests are hard to come by and I am attempting to live a normal life in Skyrim.  This is my tale of that life and the occurrences that happen on a day to day basis.

So my story begins on day 442; Tirdas on the 3rd of Sun's Dusk. I awaken at 6.35am in Breezehome in Whiterun, with the view to having a productive day.  You see since my questing days have all but finished I have become something of a property developer and I'm currently working on the construction of my third house.  Unfortunately though during the building I ran out of some materials which I picked yesterday, the only item I haven't got yet is lumber.  So that is my plan for the day; taking a trip to the Half-Moon Mill on my way back to my new construction 'Lakeview Manor'.

With all that in mind I head downstairs to have some breakfast, a nice simple bread and cheese combo and I'm on my way.  I leave the house at seven to find that the weather looks pretty good today; it's not bright and sunny but there are few clouds in the sky.  I already begin to feel that this is going to be a good day.  On my way out of Whiterun I stop off at the Stables to be amazed to see my horse there, I was convinced that I saw it die at the hands of some Forsworn ages ago but here he is.  Southwest is my heading and as I pass the Western Watchtower a novice from the Dawnguard starts running alongside me. After awhile I stopped to see what he wanted only to find that he was fleeing from some kind of danger.  I looked around but could see no dangerous creatures or Bandits so just assumed he'd lost his marbles and let him carry on running away from his invisible foe.

Apart from a Sabrecat trying his luck the rest of the journey was pretty uneventful and I arrived at Half-Moon Mill at 9.40 and sought out Hert to purchase my lumber.  Now I've done my time with the Dawnguard so I know a Vampire when I see one, and Hert is most definitely a vampire (the red eyes and pasty face give it away).  But I'm not here on Dawnguard business so I purchase plenty of lumber and have a little chat only to find that Hert seems like a really nice woman.  Anyway it is time to press on before I have wasted the day away and once again my horse has disappeared on me again (wish it had died now), so I head off on foot.

After finding my horse 10 minutes up the road I reached Lakeview at just after eleven and began work on the main house building straight away.  I managed to build the main house and some furniture inside to at least make it a place that I can sleep/live in whilst I build the rest.  After feeling a bit hungry & fatigued I stopped to realise that it was almost 6:30 in the evening, so I stopped for a dinner consisting of Rabbit Haunch & Potato Soup.  There was little else to do so I indulged in a few drinks of wine (is alcohol all we drink in Skyrim??), and settled down for the evening.

I'm starting to feel that Lakeview may just become my new favourite house, so what if my neighbour is a necromancer practicing her works at the bottom of the hill my house sits on.  You can't pick your neighbours they say, but you can't argue with that view.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Introduction to...Simon

The above picture is of my main character in Skyrim; named Simon obviously.  Now over the past year I have seen many blogs solely detailing various ways of playing the game, people's day to day lives and adventures in the land of Skyrim.  I thought I would do posts every now and again detailing my life in Skyrim, but with a twist.

You see these posts will be detailing what happens after questing, when all the side quest-lines and the main story is completed.  They will be showing just what the Dovahkiin does to pass the time when almost everything is done and work is sparse.

I can't guarentee this will be overly interesting or at all exciting, instead an account of the 'Dragonborn' attempting to adjust to a normal life.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Tonight's Gaming 19th Jan

I have decided that every now and again to do a little post detailing what game I will be playing on that given night.

Tonight the game of choice is none other than the completely obvious Call of Duty Black Ops 2 on Xbox 360.

I will be floating around on the Multiplayer & also on Zombies for the duration of the night.  If you happen to be on and fancy a game or two send me a request.

My Gamertag is - BrudaNoodle

And hopefully I'll see you online soon.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Another One Bites the Dust

In the past few days we've had HMV going under and then BlockBusters the next day.  I've already wrote a post on HMV so I wanted to concentrate on BlockBusters, and if you don't know what BlockBusters is then  you are too young and should go out more.

I'm not at all shocked to see Blockbusters go under because it was, and has been for ages now, a dying store.  I personally can't recall the last time I rented anything from a store or anyone I know for that matter.  Video rental stores are more or less obsolete now we live in a world where you can download/stream virtually any movie off the internet.

If there is anyone who has predicted this outcome so well then it has to be The Onion who posted this video online back in 2008. Maybe this is what will happen to Blockbusters.


It's time for my first music based post and today I would like to introduce you all to DWNTWN, (a band that a good friend pointed me in the direction of).

DWNTWN are an electro-pop three piece group hailing from Los Angeles.  They released two EPs in 2012; Cowboys & The Red Room , both of which are brilliant pieces of work.  The songs themselves are very catchy, and you'll find yourself returning to them countless times.  I feel they are not as big as they should be but here's to hoping that 2013 will be the year that more and more people discover them & the quality music they produce.

I'm not overly great at writing about music and feel that the best way to know if you are going to like a band is not to read about the songs indepth but to listen to them.  With that in mind below I have posted the video of their live performance of my personal favourite track 'Believe Me' on The Weekly Comet.

Do check out their website where you can listen to their tracks, and don't forget to give them a follow on Twitter and Like their Facebook page (links posted below video).

DWNTWN Website:
DWNTWN Facebook:
DWNTWN Twitter:



This blog is the personal news, reviews and opinions of the Author. All images/video used on this site are sourced via Google & YouTube, are not owned by the authors & are property of their respective owners.