Sometimes in life there are people, or groups, who really deserve more recognition and public awareness of their existence then they currently have. One such group who fit this bill are TheGamesCast.
If you don't already know of them TheGamesCast are three guys; Paul, Duncan & Phil. These guys are what might more commonly be referred to as 'old-school gamers'. They've seen alot of what's gone on in the gaming world over the past years, played alot of different consoles and seen the progression of gaming from the early days of the Spectrum ZX81 right up to the current Gen of Xbox360 and the like. So what I'm basically trying to say is that they know their shit when it comes to gaming.
These guys host a 60 minute live weekly podcast where they discuss the news and hottest topics of the gaming world for the current week, whilst trying to inject a more mature take on the gaming world and to have a good old laugh and fun at the same time. There is also the during the show Chatroom where you can discuss the points being raised with other listeners and sometimes things mentioned in the chatroom will make it into the show.
Now I'll hold my hands up and admit that I've only listened to one show and that was last night. However from listening to that one show I was able to realise that these guys are funny, that I'll be listening to alot more shows in the future and that their podcast is perfect for gamers like me. Gamers who play mostly for fun, who don't spend hours on end scouring the gaming websites for news and have a generally more mature view of life than the spotty 16 year olds whose main interest is tea-bagging and having top kills.
The weekly podcast is broadcast every Friday night at 9pm and I do strongly urge you to have a listen. You can find all the relevant information and a bit more information on the guys on their website, and do make sure to go give them a follow on twitter too (links below).