In case you have been living in a bubble for the past fortnight you should have seen the above image floating around somewhere. It's the main poster image for the advertising of Channel 4's new six-part provocative drama Utopia; written by playwright Dennis Kelly.
Utopia started last night and I won't be going into much detail because I don't wish to spoil for people who have yet to see it. The story starts off with two assassins who work for an outfit known as 'The Network', on the hunt for the manuscript of the sequel to a graphic novel called The Utopia Experiment & a woman called Jessica Hyde. The story carries on from her, following the assassins in their hunt, introducing a wider area of characters some of whom are linked in ways to the novel, and some who it would appear are not.
The show is very dark, at times brutal with an overlaying cloud of paranoia & conspiracy flowing throughout the whole show. There are also many nods to big-screen thrillers that the eagle eyed viewers will notice & appreciate.
Without spoiling vital points on the story I can't write to much but if the rest of the series follows the example set by the first episode, this is going to be one of the drama's of the year.
Watch the trailer below & do get onto 4oD to watch it, it'll be well worth your time.
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